Since online betting is becoming more and more popular, people are starting to look for ways to learn more about it. If you want to know more about the basics of sports betting, there are many great guides that can teach you that quickly and without much effort. However, if you want to know how to bet online and win, there are some courses that promise exactly that. If you don’t know where to start, here is a list of X great courses to choose from depending on what you need.
Beat the Bookies: How to Profit from Sports Arbitrage
Sports Arbitrage Betting means using the difference in betting odds at different sites and placing multiple bets so that the profit is almost always guaranteed. Instead of wasting a lot of time trying to figure this thing out, Beat the Bookies: How to Profit from Sports Arbitrage teaches you everything you need to know. If you are of legal age and in a country where online betting is legal, you have all the prerequisites to take this 10-lesson course.
Learn to Trade Tennis Matches and Make Daily Profits
This is one of the most popular courses on online sports betting out there. It offers great advice whether you are a beginner or have some experience. The course is designed to help you become a successful Tennis Trader after only 2.5 hours. You will need to use Betfair Exchange Account and A Fairbot Trading Platform, so it is better to check if these are allowed in your country before you purchase the course.

Football Betting: Generate Your Own Odds (Introduction)
In Football Betting: Generate Your Own Odds (Introduction) you will learn the basics of pricing your own football matches. This is a great course for people who like to learn fast as there are only 8 lessons that you will easily go through. In addition to the lectures, you will get the pdf files with detailed explanations and summaries that you can refer to in the future. To get the most out of the course, you need to have some basic knowledge about football betting and Excel.
How To Predict Sports Scores
You must have encountered some people who always win their bet, no matter how bad the odds are. Do they have some mystical superpower for sports betting, or are they just good at predicting the scores? Well, with How To Predict Sports Scores you can be one of those people. For this course the requirements are very simple – you just need access to the Internet, as well as a pen, paper, and a calculator near you.

Win Football Bets with Historical Data & Proven Strategy
Similar to the previous course, Win Football Bets with Historical Data & Proven Strategy uses logic to predict the outcome of a game so that you always win no matter what. In addition to that, this course also looks at some of the most commonly made mistakes and teaches you how to avoid them – you don’t have to learn on your own mistakes. The only thing you need is some basic knowledge of football betting.